Can Make A Heaven Of Hell, A Hell Of Heaven
The mind is its own place, and in itself
Can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven
Can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven
I read Paradise Lost a few months ago. As I read this line, it appealed a lot. In these lines, the speaker is Satan. He has spoken these lines after his and his legions fall from Heaven to newly made Hell. Satan in his defense against the Fall, trust the fact that his mind is sacred and revered. He asserts that mind has potential to transcend circumstances. He chooses to make circumstances good even when he is in Hell, instead of succumbing and surrendering to descent into adversity. He has shown boldness and pliancy in misery.
This line is quite appealing and engaging. We came across this line, many times, in forms of other maxims. I am taking this line to argue against evasion and need for positive thinking in life or in problems. We have both Heaven and Hell in our minds. Now it depends on us, what we really want to be in. a happy mind makes the circumstances and situations seem heavenly.
Thinking is an important part of life. The way you adopt to think, plays an immense part in the reality that you construct. Your thought can compose your life or it can consume your life. What you get, what you want to get, it all lies in your belief. We don’t even know about powers of our brain. It’s damn influential and potent, and can alter your life. Our subconscious hears and reinforces our internal voices. If you concentrate on negative thoughts, your subconscious will pick it up and it will be embedded in your subconscious to be repeated, even if you are not aware of it. Your mind has power to transform circumstances and can lead to a contented life regardless of the harsh and severe situations.
Researches have proved how positive thinking helps and attract positive events to happen to you. According to Quantum Physics, your thoughts have a certain frequency and a unique vibration that will attract other aligned frequencies into your life. So, positive thoughts and positive events are like two peas in the same pod. And when you have fearful or negative thoughts, the corresponding frequencies of these thoughts will draw these energies into your life and be fed by any fear that you direct toward it.
Your thinking makes you happy or a sad person. When you let your negative emotions and thoughts conquer the positive thoughts, you tend to be more depressed and sad. And a happy person attracts people whereas negative person repel people. Don’t let your brain to create a Hell in any situation. So, be a positive person and ‘Think A Little More’
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